Feel-Good Fundamentals for Sustainable Health
Our philosophy starts with 7 fundamentals:
At CCN, we believe in a Feel-Good philosophy. People who have found new life in this approach rarely tell us about how many pounds they’ve lost. They tell us how much more energy they have to devote to the things they care about most in life. They tell us how they have been able to heal from health obstacles and how much better their bloodwork is. So many, especially former dieters, love the freedom. No food group is off limits. It’s all about balance. There is no guilt, shame, failure, or need for perfection. People tell us it’s do-able, it’s simple, and it works. The Feel-Good Philosophy doesn’t include any dieting trends or fads. It’s simply eating for good health for the rest of our lives—it’s never going to go out of style because it fuels our bodies as Mother Nature intended.
- Eat within an hour of waking
- Eat every three or four hours during the day
- Combine macros every time you eat: 50 percent carbs, 25 percent protein, and 20 percent fat
- Keep meal sizes consistent
- Eat FIVE different colors a day
- Drink half your body weight in ounces of water
- Move your body in a way that feels good for thirty minutes at least four times a week
These may seem overwhelming at first, but they will become second nature in no time as you begin to feel good. Don’t let the breakdown of macros for meals intimidate you. All of the recipes on this website, in the challenges, and in the cookbooks are macro-balanced. Make one of these recipes, and you are one meal closer to feeling better. As time goes on, you’ll be following the fundamentals intuitively.
Individual Nutrition Services
We offer 3 tiers of service
Nutrition Guidance Consultation
1:1 Monthly Nutrition Coaching
Customized Nutrition Plan - 6 or 12 week program
Nutrition Guidance Consultation
1:1 Monthly Nutrition Coaching
Customized Nutrition Plan - 6 or 12 week program
Please Note: We require that all individual clients have participated in at least one group challenge so they start individual services with a baseline knowledge of our food philosophy.
Speaking Engagements
Educational nutrition workshops to suit your needs. Corporate workshops, mom's groups, churches, sororities, schools, and sports teams.