Herbal Face Food

Once I put on social media that I had finally found THE product that does all the skincare things naturally, questions started rolling in! I was trying to address them on Instagram, but I figured it was better to lay it all out there.

I’m a natural products guinea pig, for sure. If I know it won’t hurt me and it’s made up of elements from the Earth, then I’m happy to try it! So when I came across Herbal Face Food, I was very intrigued. But I always want to try something myself before sharing with my followers. I’ve been using the serums for about 2 months now so I am completely  confident in my recommendation! 

My skin took a toll over the holidays. I had a lot of improvements I was trying to make in recovering some blemishes and smoothing fine lines. In fact, as age creeps in, I’m always wondering how to maintain the face I already have rather than letting age get the best of me. About a month ago, I had scheduled a Fraxel laser appointment to help me do exactly that. If you’ve ever done a treatment like this or similar, then you know you pay an arm and a leg for it. But if it turns back the clock, then it’s worth it right? I’ve still never injected anything into my skin or face, so I'm trying to go about this with less invasive treatments.

So there I was, early February and trying Herbal Face food for the first time. After just one week of use, I went ahead and canceled my expensive laser treatment.

After just a few days, I noticed my skin was immediately softer and smoother.

After a week, I noticed blemishes were healing much quicker than usual. I also noticed my skin was glowing and so did a bunch of friends. Which let's be honest, is even better than you noticing something yourself. 

After two weeks, I noticed sun spots and melasma were improving.

After three weeks, I noticed fine lines were a little tighter.

After four weeks, when it was that time of month for some hormonal skin issues, I noticed they weren’t nearly as bad and healed quickly.

Now, it’s been about two months and I love everything about Herbal Face Food and how it’s improving my skin tone.

If you’re interested in the research, I’d love to direct you here to see why these products really do work.

I’ve actually noticed improvements in my overall health from applying such powerful herbal and botanical products to my face multiple times a day.

Now, the next big question I got was which products I used and how. I started using the CURE directly on spots two to three times a day. It’s a spot treatment only. I started, as recommended, with SERUM 1 all over my face. I used this two to three times a day as well. But since it neither dries or makes skin oily, you can use it more regularly than your typical skin care. I used the whole bottle (aggressively) of serum 1 before I moved onto serum 2.

I want to add in here n that because these are active ingredients, there is a slight burning sensation when using. I still get that burn every use and I kind of love it because I know it’s working. It will burn more around the eyes and mouth, so use with caution if you have sensitive skin. This is also why you want to start with serum 1, which has 25 different herbal properties and as you move up, they contain more potent combinations for optimal anti-aging and healing.

You're probably wondering what products this has replaced in my old skincare regimen. At first, I thought I would still need moisturizer, but I realized after a week or so I didn’t need moisturizer because the oils in my serum 1 were working great to moisturize. I notice the serums keep skin perfectly hydrated for me and that was even during Winter.

Currently, I am using BambuEarth charcoal bar for cleansing, then BambuEarth toner. After that, I apply Herbal Face Food Cure to spots and Serum 2 all over my face (but remember, I started with serum 1). I still use an exfoliator a couple of times a week too and keep in mind, the serum will burn a little extra after this.

I no longer use my moisturizer.

I no longer use my Vitamin E nighttime serum.

I no longer use my Vitamin C morning serum.

I no longer see myself needing laser treatments.

I no longer need my base make up, like I did after the holidays.

I was so excited to share this because I am all too familiar with the frustration of skin issues. Granted, I never had any until my mid 30’s  – then cortisol levels, stress hormones, and hormones in general got the best of me. So I’m in the boat where I need recovery products to work! But I'm also not willing to sacrifice on ingredients. So I’m incredibly grateful Herbal Face Food products are working for me and I pray they do the same for you. Use code CARACLARK for 20% off your order! Be sure and take a lot of pictures so you can note the changes in the process. Enjoy! 

Meet Cara Clark

I began my career as a way to heal my own body and give me the energy to seek the life I was called to live.

Now, as an integrative nutritionist and wellness educator, I help people nurture their bodies through a non-dieting approach to food and the beautiful connections between physical wellness, mental and emotional health, and spirituality that have taken my own life to the next level.

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